Grenergy Renovables has signed a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) for the sale of approximately 200 GWh/year for 12 years, starting in March 2023, with an electricity generator, trader and distributor present in the Iberian market, rated BBB by Fitch.
As reported by the company in a statement sent to the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV), and reported by Europa Press, this agreement has been signed for the Belinchón photovoltaic solar energy project, located in the province of Cuenca, which totals 150 MWp and an estimated production of 315 GWh/year.
They pointed out that it is estimated that the park will come into operation during 2022, «providing enough energy to supply electricity to 90,000 homes, with a saving of 116,865 tons of CO2 per year».
They explained that the operation «will be an important step towards achieving the IPP 2022 target of 1.5GW in operation» and that, in turn, it confirms Grenergy’s «strong commitment to bilateral agreements and to the Spanish market», where the company has a portfolio of 1.5GW projects in different stages of development.
Source: Expansión.